Knowledge Center KPIs

Outsource support for knowledge center KPIs

Knowledge Center KPIs

Outsource support for knowledge center KPIs

Daily views of knowledge base

After building effective strategies for your company’s knowledge base, we keep an eye on the response of your customers towards it. There are thousands of customers visiting your knowledge base daily seeking answers to the specific questions that they have about your products or services. We have installed a sensitive monitoring system focused on your knowledge base that affords real-time data with high accuracy. Every day of the week, we count the total number of views and add them to the reports that we write on the performance of your knowledge center.

Addressing failed search queries

Since you must be aware of what your knowledge base lacks in to offer a high level of customer satisfaction, we pay special attention the failed search queries. The keyword-based search system is capable of providing precise results. If nothing comes up that means that there is missing information from the perspective of your customer. We make sure that we don’t miss any of these queries and focus on the common failed search queries. Our report gives you a clear path of action so that you may build future plans for your knowledge center on the basis of these failed search queries.

Ticket submission vs. view count

The purpose of self-service platforms like knowledge base and product support community is to decrease the load on various technical support channels like email, live chat and services. That’s why we are attentive towards the contrast between the tickets submitted by your customers as opposed to the view count of your knowledge center. In our reports, we present comparative graphs and tables for different times. You may study how tickets and views differ during days of the week and hours of the day. This helps you understand how to manage the workload of your technical support better.

Customer feedback on pages

Your knowledge center has been neatly arranged to separate categories and topics for your customers into several web pages. An article about product support could extend to multiple web pages containing text, diagrams, videos, etc. At the end of that article, we have incorporated an automated feedback mechanism. To make things easy for your customers, we ask a short question and give them two choices. For instance, we ask, “Was this article useful for you?” They could click “yes” or “no” depending on their personal experience with that article. We receive their answers directly and add them to performance reports.

Knowledge center bounce rates

Not everyone clicks “yes” but worse, many leave after only browsing the landing page. While it is likely that they found the answer the sought quickly, it doesn’t bode well for your knowledge base as whole. The data for bounce rates is gathered for studying the customer experience of your self-service platforms. Of course, bounce rates differ for various landing pages and categories so we organize the data to reveal useful trends. This allows you to note where those landing pages and articles lack. During the development of knowledge base optimization process, this offers a good starting point.

Session analysis

Just like we monitor your website traffic, we are gathering information on the behavior of your customers for your knowledge center 24/7. We can tell you about the most visited pages and bounce rates.

New user data

If you are trying to measure the level of interest in your knowledge base, we can help you learn all about the new customers who are trying to look for answers to their questions through its pages.

Returning users

Customers who have had rewarding experiences with your knowledge center in the past undoubtedly return to study its content more so we track the behavior of these returning users for reporting.

Total user views

Calculating the reach of your knowledge center is important so our technical support agents have setup counters to note the number of visitors it welcomes at different hours of the day and days of the week.

Failed searches

You can greatly benefit from our conclusions on failed searches that were carried out within your self-service platform because they uncover the shortcomings and missing content which could get you more views.

Bounce rates

Whenever a visitor leaves your knowledge center after remaining on the landing page, our alert system informs us and we add them to the counter of bounce rates so that you may consider them in optimization strategies.

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or may be one, if you type fast.

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