Drip Campaign Analytics

Get to know how many interests we created, how many leads we nurtured.

Drip Campaign Analytics

Get to know how many interests we created, how many leads we nurtured.

Email open rates

To ensure that you are attaining a healthy email open rate we first need to pay attention to email open rate benchmarks. Our email operators are constantly monitoring the email open rates for various segments of your drip campaigns. We compile all this data in one place and create reports to share conclusions about it. These reports may highlight the results of one segment in particular or stress on the times when open rates were the highest.

Email click-through rates

We compose reports on the click-through rates of your drip campaigns for different products and services that your business provides. These are be divided by time to inform you about the best time for scheduling emails. We also demonstrate which drip campaigns are performing well based on click-through rates. Since clicking on hyperlinks sends subscribers directly to your landing pages we can predict their potential to become paying customers and contribute to your business revenue.

Lead nurturing results

The various formulas that you employ for nurturing your leads may not all have equal impact as proven by our drip campaign analysis. Our email operators collect and study data from lead nurturing programs to show you exactly which formula is working and which is wasting your resources. We also include conclusions about which sections of your subscribers are responding most warmly towards your lead nurturing strategies. We can even suggest optimization tips for those that have not done well.

Analyzing engagement

Our email agents are always diligently tracking the engagement of your subscribers with your ongoing drip campaigns. We can analyze their response to make conclusions about the success of various aspects of your drip campaigns. Our reports include information about the timings during which engagement was highest and lowest. This may assist you in scheduling emails for your drip campaigns. We can also give you insight on what kinds of email formats and templates gained the most favor from your subscribers.

Email forwarding rates

Reports that we compose on the email forwarding rates for your drip campaigns are useful for learning which types of subscribers are most active in promoting your brand. In the future, you can focus more on these subscribers who can actually help drive your sales. Our email operators can explain to you the similarities between the emails which recorded the highest forwarding rates. This tells you what kind of emails is the most popular among your subscribers and has that share –worthy factor from their perspective.

Measuring data of ROI

For the long term planning of your drip campaigns, our email agents dig into data gathered about their return on investment. We aim to offer you conclusions about the impact of each ongoing drip campaign. You can clearly see their performance against each other from our comparative analysis. This can help you decide which drip campaigns are most profitable for your business so you may keep investing in them while shutting down those which are consuming more resources than they are worth.

Conversion rate

Our email agents collect and organize data of conversion rates as accomplished by each of your drip campaigns as this is a major indicator of the level of success achieved by a drip campaign.

Measuring CTR

We inform your marketing team about the traffic driven to your landing pages from ongoing drip campaigns. Our CTR reports also include information on click-through rates by time of the day.

Bounce rates

Since calculation of bounce rate is essential for the optimization of your drip campaigns, our email operators send you detailed data about the bounce rates for various drip campaigns.

List growth

You are kept updated on the progress of your drip campaigns and the growth of your lists for various types of marketing strategies. We also offer suggestions for boosting your list growth.

Email sharing

Through careful study of email sharing data from your drip campaigns, we are able to include conclusions in our reports about what kind of email content is most popular and at what times.

Calculating ROI

We are determined to provide you convenient reports on the success of your email drip campaigns and optimization recommendations by drawing conclusions about ROI for each one.

Renewal count

Our regular reports on drip campaign analysis include information about your changing subscriber numbers and those who have renewed their subscriptions through email support.

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