Email Marketing and Drip Campaigns

24/7 email support for drip campaigns

Email Marketing and Drip Campaigns

24/7 email support for drip campaigns

Managed email service desk for on boarding strategy

Research indicates that welcoming emails have pleasing opening rates as compared to other kinds of emails in marketing strategies. When someone signs up for more information about that brand’s products or services, it’s a golden chance which should not be wasted. Outsource email customer services that can take care of new subscribers who have just come onboard. Perhaps they have chosen a trial version or have agreed to receive newsletters. Whatever the case, we can assist your marketing team in making them feel appreciated and curious to know more about that particular business. Depending on the interest they have shown, welcome emails could contain recommendations for similar products or services.

Outsource email help desk for abandoned shopping cart

Do you realize that around half of the users filling shopping carts abandon them before checking out? As marketing professionals, you are very close to helping your client make a profitable sale. Considering the number of shopping carts abandoned every day, you could raise their revenue by a great percentage by closing these sales. Our email customer services assist your marketers in devising smart emails that focus on the specific items in the cart of each customer. If a customer wanted to buy a pair of shoes but was unable to decide on the size, they might have abandoned their cart. We can help you remind them that those cool shoes are still waiting in their cart and can be on their door step through a single step of checking out.

Email customer services for relevant recommendations

If a customer has already placed an order with a store, this is a fantastic opportunity for marketers to turn them into repeat customers. Our email help desk can aid your professionals in designing wise strategies to pull customers back towards that business. For instance, a customer bought a moisturizer from a beauty e-store. They will probably use it up in a month and look to re-purchase it or try another one like it. We can create an email that contains suggestions for moisturizers within that price range, from that same brand or those that have similar ingredients. There’s a high chance that the customer will be happy that you have saved their time and pick one of your recommendations and visit the website to buy it next time.

Outsource email customer services for lead engagement

While taking care of available leads, marketers cannot forget about existing customers who must remain engaged with that particular brand. Our email operators assist in the continued engagement of these customers through smart email content.


It’s a given that you will be sending complete invoices to customers have who bought products or availed the services of your client. A well-timed confirmation email related to that will keep them connected to that brand.


It’s important to pay attention to your clients’ existing customers besides leads especially when it comes to renewals of subscriptions and memberships. We can help you create and schedule emails which serve as reminders.


Those who have already bought products or availed services from your client are likely to do so again. We can assist you in pulling them towards similar products or services through recommendation-based emails.


Customers who have invested their money in your clients’ businesses have shown a high level of interest so they might want to take the next step into education related to them. Our email agents can design content about courses and training programs.


You cannot force a customer to not unsubscribe from your email marketing content but we can help you make a last ditch effort in the email that asks them if they really want to unsubscribe from the exciting content you have to offer.


Post-sales marketing strategies include requests for reviews of the products those customers have bought or the services they have paid for. These emails serve as reminders of that brand’s existence and bring them back to that website.

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